What the Fox WT Fox Mug Gift


What the Fox WT Fox Mug Gift

Do you know someone who loves animals yes does cuss a bit? Well, this What the Fox design is a great funny sayings gift idea for them and possibly even for yourself.

Perfect for coffee, tea and hot chocolate, this classic shape white, durable ceramic mug in the most popular size. High-quality sublimation printing makes it an appreciated gift to every true hot beverage lover.
.: White ceramic
.: 11 oz (0.33 l)
.: Rounded corners
.: C-Handle



What the Fox WT Fox Mug Gift

Do you know someone who loves animals yes does cuss a bit? Well, this What the Fox design is a great funny sayings gift idea for them and possibly even for yourself.

Perfect for coffee, tea and hot chocolate, this classic shape white, durable ceramic mug in the most popular size. High-quality sublimation printing makes it an appreciated gift to every true hot beverage lover.
.: White ceramic
.: 11 oz (0.33 l)
.: Rounded corners
.: C-Handle


Height, cm 9.5
Diameter, cm 8

Additional information

Weight N/A


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