Make Our Planet Great Again Mug 11oz


Make Our Planet Great Again Mug 11oz


Worried about the future of this blue and green planet? You can help to promote a green mindset and help to promote ethical lifestyles with this Make Our Planet Great Again coffee mug. Take the fight against plastic pollution onto the streets with this foxy design and even he knows that plastics should be recycled and not just ditched into our oceans.

Perfect for coffee, tea and hot chocolate, this classic shape white, durable ceramic mug in the most popular size. High quality sublimation printing makes it an appreciated gift to every true hot beverage lover.
.: White ceramic
.: 11 oz (0.33 l)
.: Rounded corners
.: C-Handle
SKU: N/A Category:


Make Our Planet Great Again Mug 11oz

Worried about the future of this blue and green planet? You can help to promote a green mindset and help to promote ethical lifestyles with this Make Our Planet Great Again coffee mug. Take the fight against plastic pollution onto the streets with this foxy design and even he knows that plastics should be recycled and not just ditched into our oceans.

Perfect for coffee, tea and hot chocolate, this classic shape white, durable ceramic mug in the most popular size. High quality sublimation printing makes it an appreciated gift to every true hot beverage lover.
.: White ceramic
.: 11 oz (0.33 l)
.: Rounded corners
.: C-Handle


Height, cm 9.5
Diameter, cm 8

Additional information

Weight N/A


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